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Thursday, December 11, 2008
My motorized scooters Reviews

Our Featured motorized scooters Article

Types of Scooters

By Kent Pinkerton

The scooter is one of the biggest innovations in self propelled transportation. It is easy to use, and come in a wide range of models. Scooters can be categorized on the basis of the wheel model, operations mode and function. The various types of scooters include folding scooter, executive scooter, freestyle scooter, skateboard scooter, three wheel folding scooter, gas motorized scooter and electric motorized scooter. Each model is adapted to different riding styles.

A folding scooter, as the name implies, can be folded to the size of a suitcase after use.

Currently, it is the most popular model in the scooter market, and is available in two models, two wheeled and three wheeled. The two wheeled model is considered to be the standard folding scooter. Folding scooters are compact in size and come with a body of aluminum or steel. Thus, folding scooters are lightweight and can be easily carried on a bus, car, van, or some other vehicle.

The next prominent type of scooter is the executive scooter. It features handbrakes and large polyurethane wheels, about 180mm wide. The wheels are designed to handle cracks and bumps and glide easily. Thus, it provides a smooth and fast ride. Commonly, the large wheel scooter is used by adults and older children. Though an executive scooter is large in size, they can be folded just like the standard folding scooter.

The skateboard scooter is one the distinguished scooters in the market. This scooter is a culmination of a four wheeled skateboard and a scooter. Skateboard scooters come with a fixed handlebar, and are steered just like standard skateboards. Unlike other scooters, skateboard scooters have smaller wheels, and are typically slower. The skateboard scooter is suitable for trick riding. Another type of scooter used for trick riding is the freestyle scooter. The most attractive feature of the freestyle scooter is the kick tail, a part of the deck extending upward over the back wheel.

The three wheel folding scooter is another prominent type of scooter. As the name implies, this is a three wheeled scooter that can be folded after use. It has one wheel in front and two wheels at the back, and the wheels are 100mm in-line skate style. Three wheel folding scooters are a combination of the folding scooter and the skateboard scooter. Thus, they include some of the features of both.

Unlike other types of scooters, gas powered motorized scooters and electric powered motorized scooters are more powerful and easy to drive. Because of these features, these two types of scooters are widely used for on and off road long distance and short distance drives. But, gas powered motorized scooters are not permitted in some areas. So, it is always recommended to check the rules and regulations before purchase.

About The Author

Scooters provides detailed information on Scooters, Motor Scooters, Electric Scooters, Gas Scooters and more. Scooters is affiliated with Fast Electric Scooters.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kent_Pinkerton

Let's Talk motorized scooters

For many, the motorized scooter allows for not only transportation but also saves on the use of gas. The larger type scooters like Mopeds can be seen more and more. For younger teens, there are also motorized scooters that can use either an electric battery or a battery and gasoline. These types of scooters are popular and the user needs to learn how to ride and operate the scooter, much like learning to drive a car.
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Doctors have found that skateboarding, cycling and riding scooters have injured many children. This is why it's usually not recommended for children aged under 5 to ride scooters. Children with ages ranging from 6 to 10 may use scooters but must have constant supervision. Children aged 10 and up may ride a scooter on their own, although it's always a good idea for them to learn safety guidelines. Various scooters exist for various age groups, so inquire which electric kid scooter is best for your child's age or if your child should get one at all.
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